Tuesday 9 March 6.45pm Brighthelm Centre
Bob Crow RMT General Secretary,
Hannah Sell Socialist Party Deputy General Secretary,
Dave Hill your TUSC Brighton Kemptown Parlimentary Candidate
Come and hear why the coalition has been formed, why you should support it and get involved in the campaign. Bob Crow is probably the best known union leader in Britain today and has a reputation second to none for defending his members jobs, pay and conditions. He is a key supporter of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition and will be explaining why at this meeting.
The Socialist Party has been campaigning for a New Worker's Party for many years and its public representatives always only take a worker's wage when elected, a far cry from the expense scandal ridden MPs most of us have to put up with. Hannah Sell the Deputy General Secretary of the Socialist Party will be speaking on how the coalition nationally can be used to put forward polices in the interests of the millions, not the millionaires.
Dave Hill is the coalition candidate for Brighton Kemptown and has many years experience representing the people of Brighton when in the Labour Party. He will be explain why we can no longer rely on Labour to protect jobs, public services and pensions, and why people of Brighton should vote for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition to do just that.