Saturday, 24 April 2010

The Great Balloon Stunt- on BBC News

BBC News
Balloon release in Kemptown focuses on UK deficit

The government deficit, public service cuts and unemployment have been the focus of an election event in the Brighton Kemptown constituency.
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidate Dave Hill released 168 balloons, each one representing £1bn.
He said ordinary working class people should not be paying for the deficit.

what a great time... big crowd... security trying to move us on from Churchill Square... 20 SP and 7 SR supporters... 20 minute stunt.... all the main parties are the same, promising to make the workers' pay for the bankers' crisis... Bob Collis dressed up as a fat cat banker, 168 helium filled balloons, each `worth' a billion pounds... Clegg, Cameron and Brown lookalikes.. Dave Hill took the balloons- the 168 billion pound debt, and gave it straight back to the banker and the three big business parties.. The Workers shouldn't pay for the Bankers' Crisis!

Here's the pics

20 SP members were there for the event...

7 SR members, working to elect a TUSC MP in Brighton Kemptown
candidates' family helping out

candidate's family...

then a loudspeak tour of St James' Street, followed by leafletting and a loudspeak tour in Woodingdean, Bexhill Rd. and Cowley Drive areas. Successful day's campaigning

London SR supporters of TUSC down to help... leafletting in Woodingdean

And all this on a day when the Argus ran a front page main story of the TUSC candidate with three more pics (Dave Hill, the TUSC candidate in Brighton Kemptown is not Peter Stringfellow!) and a story on page 3... not intensely political, but... hey, who'se gonna argue with a front page pic and a most of page 3 given over to the TUSC candidate!